Monday, January 19, 2009

2008-2009 Illinois DUI Penalties Chart (For offenses after June 1, 2008)

Visit Americas Top DUI and DWI Attorneys at or call 1-800-DIAL-DUI to find a DUI OUI DWI Attorney Lawyer Now! 2008-2009 Illinois DUI Penalties Chart (For offenses after June 1, 2008) First Offense Class A Misdemeanor Court Supervision up to 2 years DUI Tech Fee $500.00 Fines of 0-2,500.00 BAC > .16 or greater Mandatory 100 hours community service Mandatory Minimum fine of $500.00 Passenger < under16 years old Subject to 6 months jail or 25 days community service in a program benefitting children Mandatory minimum $1000 fine Up to maximum fine of $2,500.00 If Bodily Harm to Passenger under 16, Class 4 felony, min $2,500.00 to max $25,000.00 plus 25 days community service in a program benefitting children and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] If suspended, revoked, or no license or no insurance, then Class 4 felony 1-3 years imprisonment or Probation up to 30 months and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] If driving School Bus with pass < 18, Class 4 felony If driving in a school zone with limit of 20 mph in effect and accident with bodily harm other than great bodily harm, permanent disability or disfigurement Class 4 felony 1-3 years imprisonment or Probation up to 30 months and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] If Great bodily harm, permanent disability or disfigurement Class 4 felony 1-12 years imprisonment or Probation up to 30 months and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] and Minimum fine $2,500.00 Second Offense Class A Misdemeanor No Court Supervision - Mandatory Conviction Revocation of Driving Privileges Mandatory 5 days jail or 240 hours community service DUI technology Fee of $1,000.00 Fines of up to $2,500.00 If 2d DUI and prior reckless homicide, then Class 4 felony If BAC >.16 Add additional 2 days jail to above penalties Mandatory minimum fine of $1250.00 If Passenger < 16 years old Class 2 felony 3-7 years imprisonment or probation up to 48 months §11-501(d)(1)(K) and (I) and min $2500.00 plus 25 days community service in a program benefitting children §11-501(d)(1)(K) and (I) and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] If Bodily Harm to Passenger under 16, Class 2 felony 3-7 years imprisonment or probation up to 48 months §11-501(d)(1)(K) and (I), and min $5000.00 to max $25,000.00 plus 25 days community service in a program benefitting children and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service [11-501(d)(3)] If Great bodily harm, disability or disfigurement to any person Class 4 felony, from probation to 1-12 years imprisonment Minimum fine of $5000.00 plus 25 days community service in a program benefitting children (any bodily harm per 11-501(d)(1)(K and I) Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service 11-501(d)(3) If suspended, revoked, , or no insurance, then Class 4 felony 1-3 years imprisonment or Probation up to 30 months and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service 11-501(d)(3) If accident with great bodily harm Class 4 felony 1-3 years imprisonment or Probation up to 30 months and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service 11-501(d)(3) Minimum fine $5,000.00 Third Offense Class 2 Felony 3-7 years imprisonment or Probation up to 48 months, and Mandatory minimum 10 days jail or 480 hours community service DUI Tech fee $1,000.00 Fines up to max $25,000.00 If BAC > .16 Mandatory 90 days jail and Mandatory minimum fine of $2500.00 If passenger < 16 years old Mandatory minimum fine of $25,000.00 and Mandatory 25 days community service in a program benefitting children If Great bodily harm, disability or disfigurement Class 2 felony, from 480 community service to 1-12 years imprisonment (note: combining 1-12 years great bodily harm requirement; if any jail then must be minimum 1 year) Fourth Offense Class 2 Felony non-probationable 3-7 years imprisonment and DUI Tech fee $1,000.00 Maximum fine of $25,000.00 If BAC > .16 Mandatory Minimum fine is $5,000.00 If passenger < 16 years old Minimum fine $25,000.00 and Mandatory 25 days community service in a program benefitting children If Great bodily harm, disability or disfigurement Class 2 felony, from 480 community service to 1-12 years imprisonment (note: combining 1-12 years great bodily harm requirement) Fifth Offense Class 1 non-probationable 4-15 years imprisonment DUI Tech fee $1,000.00 Fine up to $25,000.00 If BAC >.16 Mandatory Minimum fine $5000.00 If passenger < 16 years Minimum fine $25,000.00 and Mandatory 25 days community service in a program benefitting children Sixth Offense Class X felony non-probationable 6-30 years imprisonment DUI Tech fee $1,000.00 Fine up to $25,000.00 If BAC >.16 Minimum fine $5000.00 If passenger < 16 years Minimum fine $25,000.00 and Mandatory 25 days community service in a program benefitting children DUI Death If violation of DUI proximately causes death to another Class 2 felony Minimum is probation, or 3-14 years for one death Minimum probation to 6-28 years for 2 or more deaths Judge must find extraordinary circumstances to award probation

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